Our eye surgery services


Extraocular surgery with glasses or telemicroscope

Eyelid surgery to improve functionality and appearance in the case of eyelid disorders such as chalazion, ectropion, ptosis and blepharophimosis.

Surgical interventions on the surface of the eye

We use a surgical microscope to treat pinguecula, pterygium and corneal sedimentation (e.g. keratopathy)

Intraocular surgery

a) Cataracts:

replacement of a cloudy lens with an intraocular lens

b) Glaucoma: non-penetrating surgical procedures such as sclerotomy and viscocanalostomy


use of drainage valves or tubes (e.g. Baerveldt implants or Ex-PRESS tubes)

Minimally invasive trabecular surgery:

a stent or direct bypass under the conjunctiva (Xen implants)

c) Intravitreal injection: to treat macular degeneration, diabetic macular oedema, following venous thrombosis or vitreomacular traction (Avastin, Eylea, Lucentis, Jetrea, Ozurdex)

Excimer laser

Used to correct sight problems.

Non-contact excimer laser.

Refractive surgery using an excimer laser.


Epithelium-off or Epithelium-on cross-linking (transepithelial) methods for stabilising keratoconus (see “News: Cross-linking”

for more information)


  • Eyelid inflammation, eyelid conditions (chalazion, ectropion, entropion, tumours, etc.)
  • Conjunctivitis, dry eyes
  • Inflammation or infection of the cornea
  • Removal of foreign objects from the conjunctiva or cornea
  • Episcleritis, scleritis and uveitis (inflammation of the choroid)
  • Cataracts and secondary cataracts
  • Glaucoma
  • Age-related macular degeneration (AMD): dry and wet
  • Acute myopic macular degeneration, peripheral retinal holes
  • Amblyopia treatment for children (eye exercises)
  • Correction of sight problems using excimer laser (cornea) or lens surgery (cataracts)
  • Stabilising keratoconus using cross-linking treatment (epi-on) or surgery (epi-off).
  • Treatment for eye injuries

Eyelid surgery

Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery)